Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Care Package for Alyssa

Since we now have pre-appoval to adopt Alyssa, we have put together a care package to send to her.  We can't wait for her to know she has a family just waiting to bring her home!!  We included a dress with hearts all over it, a pink necklace, a Sonya Lee doll and video, some goody bags for her friends, and some gummies to eat, some books for writing, drawing and coloring, some stickers, a doodle pad, some crayons, and a fancy pen, a toothbrush, a couple of disposable cameras, and a note telling the nannies who have been caring for her how much we love her, and how excited we are that she will be our little girl!  We also included a puzzle, since her papework says she enjoys them, and, a photo album with pictures of us so she can see who we are.  We all packed the box together, and will mail it tomorrow!!

After getting the box packed, we headed over to the ball field - they had open house with free face-painting, balloons, field tours, free food, free jump toys, and lots of fun.  The girls had a great time, had their faces painted, and ate too.

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