I am on another email group for Hepu kids, since that is where Emma is from. (Hepu Children's Welfare Institute) From a post to that group, a lady sent me an email, then after a response back to her, she sent me the attached!!! Again, God has so amazed us! Here is this woman from Australia, who contacted me and we have now determined that she is our daughter's sponsor in Foster Care!! Read her email to us. Also, her email says that Emma is happy and well taken care of, so that is a true blessing!!
This picture is the baby room at the Hepu CWI where Emma was first taken to before she was put in foster care.
Here is the email from Emma's sponsor:
Hi Regina,
If your beautiful daughter has been receiving treatment for club feet, then my daughter and I are actually sponsoring her ourselves. Amazing!
As with all our fostered children, she looks very happy and well cared for by her extremely experienced foster family. Unfortunately, that is all I am able to tell you at this point, due to the strict confidentiality policies that CCAA has with Grace & Hope, which provides the foster care.
I may be able to get you a disk with the photos and progress reports when you are in China, if you can let me know when you get your TA and are heading off. The Grace & Hope folk are generally very happy to hand over this material post-adoption, or I can provide you with some earlier reports at least when you get home again.
This is so exciting! I know all the children by their sponsor names and it is lovely when I hear of a new family coming for one of them. We have had quite a few babies adopted in the last 3 or 4 months, but I always feel really good when one of our special children finds their forever family. I hope your TA doesn't take too much longer.
Many families whose children are fostered have gone on to sponsor a foster child themselves. If this appeals to your family, you can set it up online via http://www.grace-hope.org/ and click on Our Community then Hepu CWI (note there is also the SWI, but the CWI is smaller, with pro rata more children with special needs.)
I'm assuming you live in the United States - you aren't in California by any chance? My daughter and I are flying to Disneyland at the end of the month with her best friend and her parents . We are meeting up at Disneyland with the family of the child who was the reason I helped start the foster care program. The little girl Xiao Hong (now Hope) will soon be three and lives in Colorado with her family. I haven't seen her for almost two years (and she was a very sad little girl at that point) but she is absolutely beautiful and full of smiles now.
Best wishes,
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