Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Emma and Alyssa!!

I can't believe how quickly our girls are growing up!! Emma was 7 on January 24, and Alyssa will be 10 on February 16 - one week from today. We did a combined birthday party for them last weekend, and the girls had a great time! They had a Princess Spa party, complete with sparkling strawberry and lemonade, sparkle make-up, had their nails and hair done, and just got to be the girley-girls they are - except Allie - I had to make her participate - she's not the girlie-girl!! They had friends included in their special day, and we had cupcakes and a bouncy house for the afternoon. Everyone had a really great time!

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